Day 4/10

Day 4/10 "LoopLess Kasia"

-More levels added
-Graphics overall changed.
-GUI made... better.
-Main character painted.
-Sound / Music added.
-Loop problems fixed.

Wanted to make the game look better so spend quite some time on that today, feels better to the vibe of the main character "Kasia" is a goth / satyre. 

Had some problems finding a good mix for the parallax background, so painted one myself in artrage 5. Though, i dont have any level where you actually see it move .. yet.

ZOOMING - i made some trigger zone, that calls a function so they can zoom out or in depending on the value the trigger zone have. That fun to make, had a little trouble with the "lerp" part of it, but i figured it out (construct 3) 


Loopless Kasia Play in browser
1 day ago

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